Character Vs Reputation

Hollywood/Bollywood makes money by creating movies to make us believe for a split second that we can be Bahubali, Rocky, Captain America, or Alexander the Great. The downside is that we spend time and money to watch that hero instead of being that hero ourselves.
What can be imagined can be achieved. The only limits are the ones that we place on ourselves. Whether it was the first automobile, the idea of electricity, or the moon landing, the believer who first imagined the impossible made it possible for others to believe it and achieve it.
Remember, you miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take. The first step to achieving the impossible is having the courage to attempt
Risk failure for the chance of success.
Become a person who keeps your words. It starts with doing the little things, like calling someone back when you say you will or arriving to an appointment on time. Make your word your bond, both to yourself and to others, and you will turn yourself into a person who can be counted
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”